Our newest brand under the TAYLZ umbrella pays homage to our men and women in uniform. After a mission or operation the situation report (SITREP) RTB (Return to Base) is passed to headquarters. Deployed units are coming home. Not a time to relax, this can be the most dangerous part of the mission. Everyone's anxious to get back to the hooch, rest, and take a hot shower (God and generator willing.) This is when Murphy will bite you in the ass if you don't remain vigilant. 

In addition to this surface meaning, RTB is used in many other ways. Returning to basics. Getting back to the fundamentals. Returning to a proven way of doing something after some over zealous command element had you try it their way. RTB evokes a sense of relief. Home. 

For those that don't make it back, RTB is a bittersweet notion. Returning to wherever they were before they were here. TAYLZ is RTB, out.

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